The digiDL-HX is our all-in-one telematics solution that combines intelligent GPS vehicle tracking and comprehensive FMS data with our renowned tachograph remote download knowledge. Designed to revolutionise fleet management by providing one product with one SIM contract to deliver all the data needed to enhance productivity and boost fleet efficiency. The device works seamlessly to provide real-time data so that you stay informed as you focus on operating safely and successfully.
Having worked with tachograph remote download since its introduction in 2010, the digiDL-HX ensures complete automation of driver card and vehicle unit download to a schedule defined by you.
As with the digiDL-H, the HX generates its own secure local network (hub) to collect data from additional modules and sensors around the vehicle. The tagMOD for example, integrates with the digiDL-HX to collect data from Bluetooth tags and sensors that are placed around the vehicle.
The HX collects both GPS and FMS data. The device has an in-built GPS antenna that can be used if the device is installed with visibility to the sky. We also offer an external GPS antenna (GPS-ANT) that connects to the GPS port allowing you to install the antenna in the ideal location for the best possible GPS signal. The FMS data can be captured by using our CAN-slide installed on the ETC (Enhanced Tacho Cable) to listen and retrieve the data from the vehicle's CAN bus.
The digiDL-HX has been built on a wealth of experience and the reputation of its predecessor the digiDL-EX to provide an even more efficient and reliable connection over Wi-Fi, 4G and Bluetooth, 20x faster processing as well as top-end AES-256 encryption.
The digiDL-HX is integrated with a growing number of telematics systems and approved by all leading tachograph analysis providers; allowing the data to pass automatically to your account for a complete fleet management solution.
When paired with our ETC (Enhanced Tacho Cable) the digiDL-HX offers a simple plug-and-play installation (see video).
A great solution for triggering the download of driver card data at the end of a shift.